Sunday, October 10, 2010

What is Blackberry?

For most of the people in the world, Blackberry is BBM. BBM, Blackberry messenger, is untraceable. Last week in class someone brought up Blackberry being blocked, which made me want to investigate more. Blackberry is being asked to allow government to have access to messages and email services in India and other countries. If RIM (Blackberry's maker), does not allow traces on there phones, they face being banned. In the Gulf Region and in India, 'everybody' has Blackberry and the region is a huge market for RIM. In the United States we have freedom of speech as one of our constitutional rights. For many countries facing the ban, they do not. Many people use their Blackberry's to speak out, and some are arguing it is being used for terrorist activity and threatens national security to their country, which is why RIM is being asked to allow traces in some countries. RIM is still in talks with these countries and it remains undecided whether or not to allow the bans. Either way, if RIM does or does not allow the ban, their business would be greatly impacted. We also spoke about the butterfly effect in class, which is when something small occurring can lead to large impact. In the case of RIM, Blackberry and countries asking for traces, what will happen next if this expands across the globe?

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