Friday, October 1, 2010

U.S. knowingly infected Guatemalans with STDS

This article apologizes to Guatemala for using Guatemalans in a research study in the 1940's and knowingly infecting them with STDs. It doesn't explain why Guatemalans were used and it certainly doesn't give an adequate apology. It also doesn't say which STDs they were infected with and if any of them were curable. And why would they possibly decide to apologize this late? Is it because many of the people in the research study are no longer alive?

I'm appalled at the obvious reason Guatemalans were chosen. They were chosen because they were hardly considered to be human, certainly not human like Americans are human. This also reaffirms how many things the U.S. has done to other countries in the name of being superior, more powerful, more right, certainly doing something for the greater good. Would the U.S. have ever done the study on its own people? I'm also wondering how the Guatemalans were chosen for the study and if they did participate willingly, did they have any idea what was going to be done to them?

Here's an even better link that I found after posting the one above:

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