I decided to post the information about Obama in India regarding a visit to the Golden Temple, since no one had heard about this incident. A few weeks ago various media outlets published articles about Obama's visit to India and why he would be avoiding a visit to the Golden Temple, which is one of India's top attractions. Why do people from the Sikh tradition wear a turban?
"When a Sikh man or woman dons a turban, the turban ceases to be just a piece of cloth and becomes one and the same with the Sikh's head. The turban as well as the other articles of faith worn by Sikhs have an immense spiritual as well as temporal significance. The symbolisms of wearing a turban are many from it being regarded as a symbol of sovereignty, dedication, self-respect, courage and piety but the reason all practicing Sikhs wear the turban is just one - out of love and obedience of the wishes of the founders of their faith."
A turban is required to enter the temple. The Obama administration had concerns that if he was to don one and enter the temple, it would further the misconception that Obama is a practicing Muslim. 1 out of 5 Americans believe Obama is in fact Muslim. The Golden Temple is a Sikh monument, not a Muslim one, which makes this even more interesting. Do they think Americans are so ignorant that they would see him in a turban and the statistic of how many people think he is Muslim would rise? Or that they would be offended by it? A spokesman for the White House and Obama, Robert Gibbs, did not address this issue and instead claimed Obama would not be visiting the monument because he hadn't finalized his plans and had alot to accomplish in his short visit.
Today an article was released about Obama's visit to India. He states that he will visit the temple during his next visit, by saying he did not go because of time constraints. This led me to an article that I found interesting in light of our discussion today about nation branding. The article titled, "Obama selling America to India," reminds me of how a nation works to sell not only their country as a vacation place, but selling an image of their economic and political power.
I'm wondering how everyone feels about Obama not visiting the temple. Do you think he should have? Do you think he will really visit the Golden Temple in his next visit or will they find another excuse for why is won't (besides admitting that it is because of being portrayed as a Muslim)? How do you feel about our president 'selling' America to other people and nations?
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