Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Story of Stuff

This 20-minute video is primarily about consumerism; however, it nicely demonstrates globalization and the Dependency Theory that was discussed in class on Wednesday, September 22nd. The goal of The Story of Stuff is to "amplify public discourse on a series of environmental, social and economic concerns and facilitate the growing Story of Stuff community's involvement in strategic efforts to build a more sustainable and just world."

I know you are all busy and 20 minutes feels like a lot of time, but this is worth it!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, great video! It shows how not only that the production, but also the disposal of stuff is exported to other countries. This wouldn't have been possible without globalization. It's shocking how pieces of one item are from different parts of the world. I didn't know that we sent garbage to other countries. Sad.
